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How to Get Rid of Gnats Naturally and Keep Them Away

how to get rid of gnats in the house quickly

Make your own natural version by combining a cup of water with a tablespoon each of vinegar and baking soda, adding in a drop of dish soap. Shake the mixture in a spray bottle, and spray where gnats seem to congregate in your house. The solution is even safe to use (sparingly) around houseplants.

how to get rid of gnats in the house quickly

Natural Pest Management

You can fold up a small bit of sticky paper and stick it right in the soil where they're lingering. Just get rid of it — whether it’s moldy fruit on the counter or food that has built up in your garbage disposal. Leftover food will attract gnats and create all kinds of unwanted smells in your kitchen. On the same note, throw out your garbage, and until you do, make sure it stays in a sealed container. The same goes for any compost bins you might have — don’t leave them open throughout the day. Say your plants are dry and gnat-free — that’s the time to start investigating potential sources of mildew or mold.

How to get rid of flies in the house - keep pests at bay with these nifty hacks - Ideal Home

How to get rid of flies in the house - keep pests at bay with these nifty hacks.

Posted: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Try sticky traps to trap gnats

If you see one and are wondering if there may be more, head to your plants, windows, and lights. You may also want to peep around your fruit basket because the sweet aroma will draw them in. Even after you eradicate the source of your gnat problem, you can still have some lingering in your house. This vinegar trap is easy, effective, and made from things you probably already have at home. With interior gnat and fly issues, the issue will likely go away once the feeding or breeding ground is found and removed. If you are having trouble finding where the gnats or flies are coming from, call a professional integrated pest management specialist to help you deal with the problem.

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Don't overwater your soil; clean your drains with a stiff scrub brush and drain cleaner, and ensure your compost bin has a tight lid. Fungus gnats have a very distinct odor when crushed between your fingers. Pepper Moran is a pest control expert with over five years experience in educating homeowners on affordable and earth-friendly ways to protect their homes from pests.

Put out a Beer or Wine Trap.

These pests are frequently referred to as gnats, even though they don't look much like them up close. Both are generally outdoor pests, but they can end up inside, especially during summer evenings when it is warm, and they are attracted to sources of light around the home. Fruit flies are so small they can pass through ordinary screening used to keep other flies away. They are common in houses, especially kitchens, restaurants, and other food-handling sites, attracted to ripening or fermenting fruit, other fly droppings, and uncooked food. Light traps can be installed inside and outside to discourage gnats. Interior light traps will help keep inside gnats and other nuisance pest populations manageable.

Insect Control

For this old-school trick, place a long tapered candle in a candlestick holder, then put the holder into a pan that's partially filled with water. Turn off all the lights and wait for the gnats to fly toward the flame. If they don't hit the flame directly, they'll fall into the water. Mix some vino with a couple drops of dish soap in a small bowl, and wait for the gnats to accumulate. Unlike roaches, which can be hard to spot because they mostly come out at night and hide during the day, gnats are easy to spot because they swarm at all hours of the day.

Once gnats infest a home, it’s unlikely that they’ll go away on their own. Their food source needs to be removed and larvae need to be killed to effectively get rid of gnats. Another option that can work for all types of gnats is sticky paper or cards. These cards are yellow—a color that gnats are attracted to— and have adhesive on their faces. As soon as the gnats land on them, they get stuck and dehydrate. There are small cards that can be placed in plant pots, hanging ribbons and other versions available.

How To: Get Rid of Flying Ants

Instead, it’s a loose term for a number of different species of very small, flying insects. These flies lay their eggs in damp organic environments such as potting soil, pipe drains, or rotting produce. The reproduction cycle of fungus gnats, for example, only takes about 17 days, so one gnat can breed hundreds very quickly. They tend to swarm around sources of food and moisture including your fruit bowl, your drains, your houseplants, and even your body. But before you put on your gnat killer hat, it’s important to ensure the buzzing beasts you’re dealing with are, in fact, gnats. While we may categorize most minuscule flying insects as gnats, there are many different types of gnat-like insects that require different methods of extermination.

Diluted Bleach

Place a few pieces of overripe or rotting fruit in a large bowl, cover with plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band. The idea is that once gnats and fruit flies make their way in through the tiny holes, they get trapped within the plastic and can’t fly out. Luckily, getting rid of gnats is a simple process, and with numerous ways to deal with gnats in the house, there is bound to be a method that works for you and your home.

Fruit flies buzzing around? Here’s how to build traps and get them out of your PA home - Centre Daily Times

Fruit flies buzzing around? Here’s how to build traps and get them out of your PA home.

Posted: Tue, 01 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Yes, the very thing that caused the infestation in the first place might be your best bet when it comes to ending it. Add a few pieces of overripe fruit to a large bowl, then cover with plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band. Soon, gnats and fruit flies will flock to the fruit, making their way in through the tiny holes—but they won't know how to find their way out.

how to get rid of gnats in the house quickly

Finally, regularly clean up decaying organic matter, such as fallen leaves or fruits, to minimize gnat breeding grounds, according to Orkin. Experts recommend trying natural remedies first to remove gnats from your house plants. Natural remedies are eco-friendly and pose no health risks to humans or pets.

Some gnats are simply pests, while others actually pollinate plants and play a beneficial role. Along with partially drying out compost bins and avoiding overwatering your houseplants, you can do a few additional things to keep gnats at bay. While reducing the presence of fungus and moist conditions in your home is the best option for keeping gnats away, it’s possible to use home remedies to help control a gnat infestation. Even a leaky pipe causing minimal mold or wood rot can provide gnats and other pests with food and water sources. If you can't find the source of your issue but know it must be somewhere, think outside the box to determine where it could be.

To use peppermint oil to get rid of gnats, spray the essential oil around your garden, windows, and doors to deter pests from approaching your property. This method is best paired with other preventative measures or removal methods to make sure your gnat problem is taken care of in its entirety. Drawn in by moisture, fruit bowls, garden flowers, or garbage cans, gnats are on of the most frustrating pests to have in your home. The bad news is that they can lay about 200 to 300 eggs during their brief lives. Each egg matures into a larva, and then transitions into a pupa and adult. Depending on the species, a gnat’s entire life cycle can be completed in as few as 3 weeks.

Using the manufacturer’s instructions, pour some of the cleaner down the drain slowly to kill flying gnats and the larvae. Be sure to wear a mask, gloves and eye protection as drain cleaner can be particularly noxious stuff. Kitchen sink drains are common spots where gnats lay eggs, especially in garbage disposals. They love the warm, moist environment and any food and bacteria build up that occurs there. Kill any eggs in your drain by pouring boiling water in the sink. We chatted with Diana Ludwiczak, a home pest inspector certified in New York City, where unwanted bug invasions are quite common.

Many will combat a gnat problem with harsh pesticides that fill the air with toxic chemicals. You can just as easily eradicate gnats with natural solutions like a bowl of vinegar or a piece of scrap paper slathered with honey. Unfortunately, gnats are a common pest for many homeowners and renters alike, and there are more types of gnats out there than you realize. Drain flies can sometimes transmit disease, especially when the fly issue is severe. If they fall into food, they may cause an asthmatic reaction, adversely affecting swallowing and breathing.

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